Saturday, May 15, 2010

Did Carl Sagan know some UFOs were "real"?

We recently read an article, which stated that the renowned Dr. Carl Sagan knew some UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin.  The story maintains Dr. J. Allen Hynek was told by the late Dr. Sagan, "I know UFOs are real, but I would not risk my research [College] funding, as you do, to talk openly about them in public."  For a thorough explanation, analysis and accompanying public comments of this recent revelation, please check UFO Blogger's post "Dr.Carl Sagan Co-founder of SETI Knew That 'UFOS were real'".

As a child, I [Hank here] remember watching Cosmos with my parents, when it was first aired on PBS.  I learned so much from Carl's "Personal Journey", that I was hungry for more and peppering my father with a myriad of questions, following each episode.  Later in life, I learned that the most beautiful aspect of this series, is a plea for the Unity of humankind. 

After growing up, shows like Star Trek: TNG and The X-Files peaked our interest, due to the subject matter pertaining to the Extraterrestrial Question.  Perhaps this blog, is a cathartic means to an end, for shedding some light on our collective thoughts, experiences and ponderings.  While the UFO question is one we've been fascinated with for many years, Hank and I have only recently begun to examine the purported evidence that's really out there...

Stories of the Roswell crash  are on a normal rotation throughout cable and satellite television, including the History Channel and TLC.  For a quick refresher, this story's patsy is Maj. Jesse Marcel, who was left holding the bag [in his case a weather balloon], after the Army had acknowledged, then later retracted, a statement that they had recovered "a flying saucer".  Major Marcel's son, Jesse Marcel, Jr., recounts being awoken, one summer night in 1947, to be shown something amazing by his father - pieces of debris from the ET spaceship that crashed on a ranch, near Roswell.  Jesse, 11 years-old at the time, and his mother, were shown pieces of the UFO wreckage, which had amazing physical properties, as well as some form of 'hieroglyphics' on what Jesse Jr. described as "i-beams".  For more on his story, listen to this Coast-to-Coast show [hosted by George Noory, with Jesse Marcel, Jr. and Stanton Friedman].

If only one of all the sightings/close encounters/crashes/pictographic carvings/cover-ups ever reported, is factual, then we have the biggest conspiracy of all time on our hands. But the question begs of a deeper, more sinister betrayal, by some elite group of earthlings, say Majestic12 for instance, against humanity as a whole.  If MJ12 had/has dealings with one or more alien races, the decision to keep these matters secret, is far more reaching than just a 3-letter agency's need to cover-up a clandestine operation.  The implication is that advanced technologies, which may include free-energy, medical breakthroughs, solutions to food and water shortages, etc., are being withheld in favor of building the better military mousetrap or otherwise global elite method of retaining power over the masses.

It's probably safe to say that we all know or are associated with someone, who's either witnessed a UFO for themselves or otherwise believes that "ET" has been visiting our pale blue dot, for tens... if not hundreds or perhaps thousands of years. And with the popularity of youtube & other media sharing sites, anyone with an Internet connection is able to research the massive amounts of sightings and accompanying witness reports, or post their own experiences.  But what is "their" intent?  Service-to-self, service-to-others, or a little bit of both?  Where does that leave those elite groups, who hold the strings?   Where does that leave the rest of us?  Perhaps it's the ego that hinders our evolution.

Many remember The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams, who envisioned the Earth being annihilated to make room for a hyperspatial express route. Yet, this beautiful piece of science fiction shows us, in the most comical way, the extremes of what a malevolent Type 3 civilization, might do to further their galactic plans.

"The truth is out there, you just have to know where to look", said Scully.  Well, it certainly might help to have the right clearence and a "need to know".  But if you were on the inside, what price would you pay for that knowledge?  Perhaps that's been one of the fundamental problems; the personal, human cost of knowing.  My wife and I have started this blog together and we put it to those of you who don't have the wool pulled over your eyes... it is up to us to search in the right places for the truth, or better yet, demand it!  Instead of towing the preverbial party line. We welcome your thoughts. We would love to hear your stories.  We feel that we are not alone, never have been and never shall be...

I'm hoping Carl Sagan's son, Nick Sagan, will steer us in the right direction, regarding the report that his father might have known more than he publicly disclosed. Admittedly, the article in question, is from a non-mainstream 'news' source.  In any event, gaining some personal insight from Nick, who is the brilliant sci-fi author of The Idlewild Trilogy, as well as being active writing for Hollywood since 1992, would likely end this speculation...  We're going to ask that he take some time to read our 1st real blog post and be gracious enough to provide us with his understanding of his father's privately-held beliefs or knowledge on this enduring and controversial subject.

- Peace, Love & Respect from Hank and Andrea @ soulperceptions


  1. Hello Hank & Andrea--it's nice to meet you and thanks for the opportunity to chime in on this subject!

    While my father would have LOVED to have found compelling proof of extraterrestrial life--it's a subject we talked about frequently--he NEVER found it.

    He was a true scientist: he believed wholeheartedly in the scientific principle, and would often remark that it doesn't matter how much a scientist might personally want a certain result, the evidence either bears it out or it doesn't. Now UFOs are by definition extraordinary claims and, as Dad was fond of saying, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    As has been reported before, his read of the UFO evidence was that it was far from extraordinary: I remember he'd tell me how there are often cases where multiple people see something fairly innocuous and explainable (say, a mysterious light in the sky) and there are cases where individuals report far more elaborate alien encounters (seeing aliens, abductions, etc.) but suspiciously enough there are no credible reports in which a group of people experience a more elaborate encounter. As he said, "UFOs: The reliable cases are uninteresting and the interesting cases are unreliable."

    When SETI started up, Dad thought there was a real possibility that extraterrestrial life would be discovered in his lifetime. After all, the Drake Equation suggests that we may not be alone in the universe. But no evidence ever came in and I watched this disappointment change him in a way I found quite moving--he increasingly gave weight to the very real possibility that we might be alone in the universe, or that life may be so distant and rare that we'll never encounter it. This caused him to focus on the preciousness and fragility of life on Earth--if we humans are the only sentient beings out there, we have such an important responsibility to take care of ourselves and our planet. That's a good part of the reason why my dad increasingly spoke about environmentalism and nuclear disarmament in his later years.

    As for J. Allen Hynek, sadly, what he claims my father said isn't the least bit credible. My understanding is that Dr. Hynek has an agenda here, and the kindest way I can think to describe Dad's opinion of Hynek is to say that he didn't agree with him.

    I grant you that the idea that we're not alone in the universe is a compelling one. It would be amazing to find alien life. But because we humans "want to believe," we have a heightened responsibility to use all our critical thinking and strip away our personal desires from what the evidence (or lack of evidence) is telling us.

    Peace, Love & Respect to you as well,

    Nick Sagan

  2. > For a thorough explanation, analysis and accompanying public comments of this recent revelation, please check UFO Blogger's post

    Point of information: UFO Blogger is not the source. UB's post is an (unattributed!) edited version of this press release.

  3. > Dr. Hynek has an agenda here

    Do you have personal knowledge, Nick, that this claim originated with Hynek? I ask because the press release I cite above has Paolo Harris quoting the late Dr. Hynek, and Harris' account has a major error. She says your father confessed this info to Hynek backstage at a 1984 guest spot on the Tonight Show; according to Johnny Carson's website, your father's last appearance was January 17 1986, his second-last on September 10 1982. Hynek never appeared.

  4. Hi Terry,

    Thanks for that--it's very interesting. I don't have any personal knowledge that the claim originated with Dr. Hynek. It's possible that it's purely an allegation by Paolo Harris, in which case I'm sorry to come down on Hynek. But whoever's allegation it is, I'm happy to disabuse people of the idea that my father believed that we've been approached by extraterrestrials. Though the prospect of first contact fascinated him, he never found a credible sign of it.

  5. I think there is truly compelling evidence that SOME UFOs are not man-made.
    If UFOs had only originated since WW2,one could
    truly stretch the truth and say the unexplained ones
    were/are some form of secret military technology.
    But, when one considers that similar objects appeared BEFORE airplanes--even in occasional medieval art
    work--I don't know how anyone can honestly come to
    any other conclusion that, it least in the past (and very likely today) that non-man made UFOs are indeed real.
    As to what they truly are, we just don't know.
    IF they were suspected of being extraterrestrial by world governments, I can think of hundreds of reasons why they would want to hide this information from the public.
    Too bad your father didn't look more into some very compelling cases that had MUCH evidence associated with them, and credible witnesses reporting them.
    The 2 most compelling cases that I can name are the JAL incident over Alaska in the 80s and the Iranian
    case in the 70s (as well as countless others).
    I don't know why your father didn't look more seriously
    into the overwhelming evidence that's out there, but I think history will prove him wrong for being so dismissive of UFOs.
